Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dog Park Day 7

Merida absolutely loves going to the dog park buuuuut only if she's inside by herself. Usually nobody is there when I go over and she chases her ball and frisbee but once a dog comes in then she never leaves my side. She will eventually sniff some butts and then sits on my foot. I tried to leave her on her own in the cage but she stays next to the fence and watches me like a hawk. Luckily everybody has been super sweet and understanding of her behavior. She is very shy and I'm hoping she will grow out of it after a number of visits. If you know of any tips and tricks please share. I would love to hear about your pup and share some insights =D

Monday, June 22, 2015

Merida - Short Story

Merida has been in my life since July 2013. I got her from a shelter when she was just a puppy and ever since I have tried to protect her from everything and everyone. I regret this decision because now she doesn't know how to socialize with others and I am now trying to get her used to other dogs by taking her to the dog park whenever I can. She loves to fetch after balls but not so much  frisbee. Her toys do not last more than a few minutes but her favorites are hedge hogs and long ropes. If you tell her "go get it" then you bet your butt that she will bring you the first toy she finds.

She has made me one happy mama!!